Solid Gold
Earcare with Comfrey
  Helpful with dogs shaking their heads due to fungus or bacteria infection. Not for ear mites. Clean ear out with apple cider vinegar on swab, only as far as you can see to get out ear wax. Shake container. Puncture container and insert Earcare into ear. Do both ears. Can also be used for dogs licking between toes. Wet toes may cause a fungus or bacteria infection. Apply between toes frequently, then distract dog by playing with him, feeding him, etc., to allow comfrey to penetrate skin. Comfrey causes bacteria to multiply so rapidly that it implodes upon itself due to weak cell walls, and then it disintegrates. Comfrey is an herb. MSM is also a useful supplement for dogs with chronic ear problems. One ounce liquid.

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Product Weight 1 oz

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